Wednesday, September 27, 2017

September 27, 2017

Good afternoon families of room 18,

Just so you know, I will be away tomorrow for board meetings. Ms. Lacey will be in to cover for me.

Today in social studies we reviewed the regions of Canada and discussed how regions affect ways of life and culture. We discussed what each region is typically known for and if our predictions of what we know about the regions were correct.

In math, we continued looking at representing number using a variety of questions with math language. Looking at questions with challenging math language can often be enough to derail a student who would otherwise be able to complete a task. We will continue on this track for a little while longer so students feel comfortable working with larger numbers in grade 4 and 5.

We spent a large portion of the afternoon trying to get logged into our GoogleDrives. This is typically a time consuming process, which is why we try to do it early on in the year. Many students were having difficulty and still cannot get logged in, but we will continue to work through the technical problems. GoogleDrive is a really helpful tool for sharing work with me and for students to have access to their work at home. We will hopefully be using it frequently throughout the year.

Yesterday we had our first Souperstars session with Ms. Lucy and learned all about germs. It was quite interesting to know that germs can live on a hard surface for up to 2 days, while they can only live up to 5 minutes on fabric. So, remember to sneeze in your sleeve! If you have not returned your permission form for this program, you still can!

Please also consider sending in a twoonie for Terry. These twoonies go toward cancer research and will be counted for a school total very soon. So far we only have one twoonie.

Please also remember to send in your vaccination forms if your child is in grade 5.

Pillars of Care assembly will be on Friday at 8:15 am, followed immediately by our Terry Fox run. Please join us if you are free!

Have a great night!

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Good afternoon families of room 18! Here is a recap of today! We started our day out with pillars of care nominations! The winners will ...