Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 10, 2017

Welcome back after a long weekend!

Today in room 18 was full of special activities, as Tuesdays can sometimes be right now. We started the day with Music, had some time practicing our basic facts using dice games, and then moved into library. After library we got to go to phys. ed and then to recess.

After recess, students had time to work on their social studies project and chose which city they will be focusing on. Students were then asked to determine which region their city belongs to and then subsequently begin to look for information about it's climate, methods of transportation used in that city/region, industries that drive the economy, and so on. If you are wondering what type of information your child is looking for, the project requirements have been shared through your child's googleDrive. However, some students have been experiencing difficulty with accessing their drive and so are very patiently troubleshooting through these issues with me. They have access to a paper copy at school.

During the afternoon, students had the opportunity to make their own sandwich as a part of our souperstars presentation, and each student would have received a special stuffy prize for participating in a nutrition bingo game. After this, we read a chapter of our class novel study and then were posed some deep thinking questions. Students then had to use the skills of stretching sentences and 'using question words in their answers' to make predictions and connections about some of the events in the story so far.

We had a class meeting today briefly to discuss some things that are happening out on the playground with some of the grade 5 students. It's easy to forget how quickly having fun can turn into conflict when we change our minds but can't easily communicate that to our friends. What we discussed related to a health lesson we had last week where we brainstormed recognizing our emotions and practicing ways to communicate to those around us our emotional state and needs. This is tricky stuff for grade 4 and 5 students! I'm glad they are engaging in the conversation with me!

Tomorrow will be a much more 'normal' day. Have a great night!

-Swim forms came home today, please try to have forms and payment back to school ASAP
-Fun Lunch money is due this Friday
-No school Monday, October 16th - PD day

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Good afternoon families of room 18! Here is a recap of today! We started our day out with pillars of care nominations! The winners will ...