Monday, November 20, 2017

November 20, 2017

Dear families of room 18,

Welcome back to another full week at Beddington Heights! Here is a recap of what we did today in room 18!

We started the day by submitting our votes for the Pillars of Care assembly that will be happening this Friday at 8:15. We then followed up with a vote for Movember, as Ms. Laird will be donating a vote for each student in the class towards our Movember campaign. She really wants to see someone dye their hair pink! After this we went to music with Mr. Wiens.

After music, we had math. We got to practice our multiplication facts by playing Multiplication Battleship while Ms. Laird and Ms. Ryan worked with small groups to target areas of need around multi-digit addition, subtraction, and those who are still struggling with some forms of multiplication. We will be continuing to do this work over the next week so that students who require support will have a chance to sit down a few times with an adult to work through challenges.

After recess, Ms. Laird provided the last ever opportunity to finish up our Social Studies centers. This was a result of the serious and hard work students had been putting into the centers last week. They made the case for one extra period of work so that they could finish as much as possible and were granted that request on Thursday because of the shortened week. We will have a quick quiz to follow up with some of the "big" ideas in this unit so far later this week.

During science, students analyzed the data from our classroom temperature readings and made some connections about why some places in the classroom are warmer/cooler than others. We had some very interesting data collected from places like the storage room, the smart board and by the computer cart. After that, we had gym.

To finish off the day, Ms. Ryan introduced the idea of concluding sentences for paragraphs and had the students do an interesting activity with concluding sentences.

Apologies go out as the blog continues to go out at a funny hour. There seems to be some inconsistency as to how the blog is being sent out around the school and all the solutions we have been given have not seemed to fix the issue.

- Pillars of Care Assembly
- Fun Lunch is on Thursday, Nov. 23rd

Mavericks are selling $2 a bag, 11:30-11:55am (first half lunch only) in room 19. All proceeds go towards our school and various charities both local and international.

7 Flavors to start:
-Say cheese cheese
-White cheddar
-Dill pickle
-Jalapeno jack
-Salt and vinegar
-Low-fat caramel

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Good afternoon families of room 18! Here is a recap of today! We started our day out with pillars of care nominations! The winners will ...