Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 22, 2017

Dear families of room 18,

What a beautiful day we had inside and outside of BHS today!

We started the day off making music with Mr. Wiens in the music room followed by a continuation of our math groups with Ms. Ryan and Ms. Laird. Today was review for some students and extension for others. These groups will continue tomorrow, with a formative assessment review of these skills on Friday. Students have really been struggling with re-grouping across functions and so, we continue to reinforce this skill. After math, we went to Phys. Ed.

After recess, we moved into a social studies based lesson that introduced a new graphic organizer that we will be using throughout the year to help us glean important facts and details from a variety of text types. We've been using language to differentiate between types of information that are "nice to know" vs. information that we "need to know". By the end of the lesson, we were having quite an engaging conversation on how human actions have influenced the Cordillera region.

Right after guided reading, we had a fire drill! It was perfect weather for a fire drill, but we had to trek through some pretty deep snow to get to our meeting spot. After we had come back in from outside, we began to put all of the parts of writing a proper paragraph together by writing our first complete opinion paragraph to answer the question "Should students be in school for 12 months of the year?"

Our Pillars of Care winners have been announced for the month of November!!! Congratulations go out to:
Care for Learning - Chloe
Care for Place - Cody
Care for Self - Abby
Care for Others - Sage

- Fun Lunch is tomorrow
- There IS school on Friday
- Send in your Movember votes!
- Popcorn continues to sell at recess!

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Good afternoon families of room 18! Here is a recap of today! We started our day out with pillars of care nominations! The winners will ...