Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Good afternoon families of room 18!

Just a quick note: Hats on for mental health day was slightly overlooked in our announcements and so as a class we have decided to wear our hats for mental health tomorrow.

Dresscode: We had a quick classroom discussion today about dresscode. There have been some issues at Beddington with students being dressed appropriately. We discussed making sure that we have lasagna straps, not spaghetti straps, on our clothing (this includes muscle shirts for boys) and that our shirts go down to our pants. We also talked about making sure that our shorts/skirts go below the longest finger on our hands. This was a conversation that started in grade 6 and it is only fair that we all make sure we adhere to the school dress code, not just the grade 6s.

As we enter better weather and near the end of the year, students typically begin to experience a spike in disagreements with their peers. In an effort to bring some awareness to this, I felt it would be a good time to remind students how our actions and words impact others as it is always good to use communication to avoid these issues getting bigger. We shared these as skits in front of the class and addressed the prompt: "If you could have a do-over, how would you change your actions to improve the situation?" We also discussed how our actions have can have big impacts on others, even when we don't think we've said or done anything too out of the ordinary. We continued to revisit this topic throughout the day as problems continued to creep up.

During math, students in grade 4 practiced working with the measurement of time independently or with partners while grade 5 students examined the relationship between millimeters, centimeters, decimeters, and meters. Students were posed the question: How many meters are in a kilometer? They made guesses and have been asked to bring that question home to you tonight!

Next we worked on language arts. Students have mostly finished their second story plan and are in the beginning stages of writing. We will continue to write this story for the next few classes and will be typing it up for sending home.

After lunch, we got out our guided reading before heading to pictures and then phys. ed. We spent the rest of the afternoon on a science scavenger hunt, looking for information related to wetlands. We then finished the day with a short reading of Fish in a Tree.

Enjoy your evening!

-Whole school PJ day: Friday, May 4th
-Fun Lunch forms were due today
-Fun Lunch May 8th

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Good afternoon families of room 18! Here is a recap of today! We started our day out with pillars of care nominations! The winners will ...