Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday, December 19, 2017

Happy Monday!

Here is a recap of what we got up to today in room 18!

We started the day with a quick D.E.A.R. period to allow students some time to read books that they have selected. It was a nice calm start to the day as students are already showing signs of being ready for the break! This got us ready to plug in for a math period where we began experimenting with division. Everyone was given ten division statements and then asked to represent them using a variety of strategies. As students are feeling very apprehensive about division, I have decided to "play" with division this week in an attempt to keep them thinking about it, but not be overwhelmed by it. We will still continue with multiplication practice as the two skills are so closely linked and I don't want students to forget all of the hard work they put into multiplication.

As students finished up their math they were given time to work on a Wonder art project they had started with Ms. Ryan. Students are identifying character traits about themselves (after looking at some of the characters from wonder) and adding the traits to their artwork. We will be adding this work to our walls when it's finished and you will be able to see it in January when we have our student-led conferences. We then had recess.

After recess, I introduced a new activity to the class. We have been talking about how humans impact the world as an opportunity to see connections between the science and social studies curriculum. As it happens, students have really become interested in talking about human impact and our conversation from last week has evolved into the desire to create projects on these topics! So, we have decided to put together stop motion animation movies over the next week that we will share with you at our learning evening in January!

During the afternoon, students started with guided reading. The books that they are reading now will eventually lead to writing book reviews as another example of expository writing. We then had gym and then discussed the process for using our stop motion app to create a movie.

Students are welcome to wear a seasonal sweater/red or green to school tomorrow, seasonal hats on Wednesday, and Thursday will be a pajama day for the grade 4/5s.

-Thursday is the last day of class for students!
-No School on Friday
-Report cards go home on Thursday
-Popcorn sales will resume in January

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Monday, June 25, 2018

Good afternoon families of room 18! Here is a recap of today! We started our day out with pillars of care nominations! The winners will ...